What is a Nanny Share?
Posted on 23rd June 2022
I sometimes have families tell me they’re only looking for a nanny or day or two a week, so are ‘looking for a nanny share’. This is an easy mistake to make, but this is NOT the definition of a nanny share – this is a part time nanny who may have an entirely separate role on the other days, with no cross over.
A nanny share is when two families employ one nanny to care for both family’s children at the same time.
How much does a Nanny share cost?
One big benefit of a nanny share is its cheaper for you as an employer. If you were to hire a nanny solely for your family, you’d likely pay between £13-16 per hour. If you hire a nanny to share, you’d be looking to pay around £10-12 per hour – but the nanny receives £10-£12 from each family, giving her an overall salary of £20-£24 per hour (please note each family MUST pay above minimum wage, and register as separate employers).
What do we need to consider?
A nanny share works best if the two families are already known to each other, live close to each other and have similarly aged children. You’ll need to consider which house the nanny is based at – the host family would have some benefits (kids chores such as laundry, cooking and tidying) but also would provide food, craft equipment and see wear and tear on furniture and toys. I would suggest you take turns to host, eg a week at each house.
You would need to consider the practicalities – if there are two babies/toddlers, you’d need to factor things like a double buggy, two highchairs, an extra cot in each house for naps.
If you both have children in school, are they at the same school, and will they be as they grow? If not, do the drop off and pick up times work so the nanny could do both without stress?
What are the benefits?
Aside from the obvious cost benefit, it can also be a really good option for two families with only one child each, giving the little ones a chance to socialise. If there are two young children of similar age, you would see them learn how to share, take turns, communicate and encourage each other’s developmental milestones.
What are the downsides?
The flip side of the social aspect is that your child/children will not be getting the full attention they would from a sole nanny.
You would also need to be sure you have clear communication between the two families, and of course the nanny. Aspects such as annual leave get more complex with a nanny share – in a sole nanny role, typically of the nanny’s 4 weeks of annual leave, the nanny would choose 2 weeks and the employer 2 weeks. For a share, this shouldn’t change, so both employers would need to decide the 2 weeks together, leaving the nanny with 2 weeks of their own choice.
You’d need to have the children in similar routines, or be flexible about them changing. If one child has a big nap every morning, and the other child after lunch, neither of them would be getting out or doing any activities.
Speaking of activities, its wise to discuss what you’re both happy for the nanny to do with the children – if one family prefers mostly home based play, and the other family wants to sign up for swimming, music class and gymnastics, this wont work!
In short, a nanny share can be a great option if you have less children and a tighter budget – particularly if you have a friend close by with similarly aged children and a similar work schedule themselves! Rosebud Nanny Agency can help you find a Nanny to share – give us a call to discuss.
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